International Conference of CEEPUS Partners: Strengthening Networks, Expanding Horizons

The Tempus Public Foundation on behalf of the current Hungarian CEEPUS Chair, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary cordially invites CEEPUS network coordinators, network partners and operational staff, to the International Conference of CEEPUS Partners titled Strengthening Networks, Expanding Horizons in Budapest, Hungary, on September 25, 2024.

Date: 9:00-16:30, Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Venue: Budapest, Radisson Blu Béke Hotel (in-person only)

CEEPUS: Strengthening Networks, Expanding Horizons

The CEEPUS scholarship programme – operated by the Tempus Public Foundation in Hungary – celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023. Currently more than 2000 Participating Partner Units (PPUs) are engaged in the programme throughout 16 different member countries.  

To further develop the higher education cooperation between our countries, on behalf of the current CEEPUS Chair, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary, the Tempus Public Foundation is organising an International Conference of CEEPUS Partners in Budapest, Hungary, on September 25, 2024. We cordially invite CEEPUS network coordinators, network partners and operational staff to participate in the event. We suggest that you wait with your travel arrangements until your registation is confirmed.

The aim of the conference is to discuss focus points of the scholarship programme at an operational level, therefore we are looking forward to an active participation of your representative at the International Conference of CEEPUS Partners. Taking into consideration the fact that all partners already engaged OR interested in joining the scholarship programme are invited, this will be a great opportunity for all of us to share good practices and liaise with experts of the field and make new contacts.  

Travel and accommodation costs are self-financed. There will be a list of recommended hotels in the formal invitation letter. 

It will be possible to link the participation at the conference to a teaching mobility (with a min. of 6 hrs of teaching/consultation within 5 days) at a Hungarian partner university, and thus become eligible for a CEEPUS scholarship within a network or outside (as a freemover if the university is not yet a partner). The details of the mobility (such as acceptance, teaching plan and accommodation) should be arranged primarily with the Hungarian host higher education institution.

Preliminary agenda

09:00-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:30 Welcome addresses
10:30-11:00 Plenary session
Michael Schedl, CEEPUS Secretary General
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:45 Thematic Workshops for network coordinators I.
  1. Short-term programmes: summer schools/intensive courses, short-term excursions
    Application closed

    Presentations of good practice and discussion on how to organize short-term programmes. What are the advantages, disadvantages and practicalities of hosting students and teachers for these types of mobilities?
    Moderator: Lilla Lőrik (Bernadett Kőhegyi)
    • Veronika Kuti, Episcopal Theological College of Pécs, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences: Annual Bioethics Summer Schools in Pécs - presentation
    • PhD Natasza Styczynska, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Centre for European Studies (Institute of European Studies): CEEPUS Summer University – beyond regular mobility - presentation
    • Dr. József Gál, University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering: How can CEEPUS STE (Short-Term Student Excursions) be part of an engineering study programme? - presentation
  2. Preparing for the labour market: internships, research partners and silent partners
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on how to use the CEEPUS programme to prepare your scholarship holders. What are the roles and responsibilities of each partners (such as silent or research partners)? How can universities make the most of such cooperations?
    Moderator: Anikó Miszné Korenchy
    • PhD Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics: Involving students of CEEPUS partners in projects initiated by companies - presentation
  3. Network management, communicating with partners: possibilities and challenges
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on effective network management and communication with your partners. What are the challenges and pitfalls that network coordinators need to be attentive to?
    Moderator: Zsuzsa Koós-Herold
    • Zoltán György Bács, Ludovika University of Public Service: Law Enforcement and Psychology: Driving a New Car on a New Road - presentation
    • PhD. Eng. Milan Rackov, University of Novi Sad, Department of Mechanism and Machine Design: CEEPUS Network Progress and Professional Development as Mutually Interconnected Processes - presentation
  4. Quality of mobility: teaching content, impact and career development
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on how quality of CEEPUS mobilities can be increased. What are the factors that define quality in mobility programmes? How to make a scholarship period more meaningful for both teachers and students?
    Moderator: Bettina Ugrósdy-Beregi (Gábor Kamocsa)
    • PhD Taranu Ilinca, West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Letters - Hispanic Studies: Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central and the Development of Hispanic Studies in Central Europe - presentation
    • Univ.-Professor Jelka GERŠAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Research and Innovation, Centre for Design and Clothing Science: Quality of mobility: joint activities that build a bridge based on complementarity and synergy - presentation
12:45-13:45 LUNCH BREAK
13:45-15:00 Thematic Workshops for network coordinators II.
  1. Beyond mobility: joint research, publications, extra activities in networks
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on the activities that networks can do beyond mobilities. How can umbrella networks still achieve a lot with less or no mobilities? What is the value of being in a CEEPUS network?
    Moderator: Zsuzsa Koós-Herold
    • Dr. Gergely Dezső, University of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Engineering and Agricultural Sciences: Inspiration and initiatives - beneficial side effects of the CEEPUS program - presentation
    • Prof. Cezary Mańkowski, University of Gdansk: Beyond mobility: joint research, publications, extra activities in the RS-1011 network on logistics - presentation
  2. Building-in and building-on achievements: utilizing results and taking them even further
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on how to incorporate the results of mobilities and network cooperation in the everyday work of the participating unit and the whole institution. How not to stop at the borders of the network but make the work and achievements impactful for the whole sector or the region? How to build other cooperation projects onto the results?
    Moderator: Anikó Miszné Korenchy
  3. Joint degree, joint thesis supervision – possibilities and challenges
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on working out joint degree programmes. What are the possibilities in each country, and what challenges hinder this type of cooperation? What happens after accreditation? How to utilize these programmes in improving institutional prestige?
    Moderator: Gábor Kamocsa
    • Prof. Ing. CSc. Veronika Stoffova, University of Trnava, Faculty of Education - Department of Matematics and Informatics: Cooperation in the field of doctoral studies, scientific research and solving research projects - presentation
    • Dr. Gabriella Donáth-Nagy, ”George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures, Department of Physical Chemistry: Activities, Achievements, Future Plans in RO-0010 network - presentation
    • Dr. Zsuzsanna Tarr, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szent István Campus: Successful Joint Master degree application from a Ceepus network - presentation
  4. Promotion of networks: different target groups, different messages
    Presentations of good practice and discussion on promoting networks by coordinators and the institution. For which groups is it worth communicating them and by what methods?
    Moderator: Bernadett Kőhegyi
15:00-15:30 Wrap-up of workshops
15:30-16:30 Coffee & Networking Forum

For more information please contact us at: 

Last modified: 01-10-2024


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If you are a member of the National CEEPUS Offices staff, we kindly ask you to register to the NCO workshop HERE. The password has been sent to all members in e-mail.

Sincerely Yours,
Tempus Public Foundation